Dreaded meaning in hindi
As noun : अघोर Ex: Measles is no longer the dreaded disease it used to be.
घोरदर्शन Ex: , All dogs that bark do not bite, people who threaten are not always dreaded घोराकार, घोराकृत्ति चिह्नकारी डँकना दूध्र फाड़खाऊ ‡ बैहर ‡ भंक भयकर भयदर्शी भयानक उ: बहुत भयानक वृष्टि शुरु हो गई। भरुंड भीमयु भीमल भीषणक भैभान भैयान मेआवन विभीषणा विशंकट शरटु सम् द्दंड
Other : खतरनाक. Ex: Mohan dreaded his meeting with his stepfather. खतरनाक Ex: is feared, it is feared like lightning, especially if said sarcastically of a man who is much dreaded उ: यह बहुत खतरनाक बन गया।
Dreaded ki paribhasha : saahity men nau rason ke antargat chhatha ras
ExamplesDreaded synonyms
apprehend tremble shudder quake fear cringe misdoubt be afraid have cold feet shrink from Dreaded antonyms
welcome steady encourage want Usage of Dreaded in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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