Dream meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Dream
As noun : ख्वाब Ex:  My vacation to Hawaii was like a dream come true . उ:   ऐसे लोगो का ख्वाब में दिखने का एक और भी कारण होता है।
ख़्वाब Ex:  I dream of owning a house like that . महत्वाकांक्षा Ex:  Techniques such as dream interpretation उ:   दोनों की एक ही महत्वाकांक्षा थी कि वे संगीतकार बने। लज्जतदार Ex:  Twain had foreseen this death in a detailed dream a month earlier सपना देखना Ex:  He wonders if this has all been a dream and asks how she knows his name. सपने Ex:  As soon as he woke from the dream उ:   फ़रिश्ता सपने की हालत में आकर कलाम करे। सुन्दर Ex:  Instead a dream hints at what has happened उ:   उसे सुन्दर ही चुना और रखा जाए। सुप्तविज्ञान Ex:  Constantinople is the great capital, the City, dream and hope of all Greeks". स्वपन Ex:  In the dream about the horse उ:   इसे समझने के लिए आपको स्वपन से बाहर आना होगा। स्वादिष्ट Ex:  CONSIDER is mainly used as intransitive verb and means Make a dream, dream उ:   दोनों ही तरह से बने हुए गुलाब जामुन अत्यंत स्वादिष्ट लगते हैं। हृदयप्रिय Ex:  Do you dream of making this request, the proposal? You are not your common sense, you dream
As verb : स्वप्न देखना Ex:  The dream is also mentioned when Rodya talks to Marmeladov. स्वप्ननिदर्शन Ex:  being buried in reverie, dream deeply
Other : कल्पना करना Ex:  He must be living in a dream land. सपना Ex:  In a dream the night before the battle उ:   वे अपना सपना हम्पी से पूर्ण करवाना चाहते थे। स्वप्न Ex:  A dream misleading उ:   स्वप्न की कुछ समानता दिवास्वप्न से की जा सकती है।
Dream ki paribhasha : nidraavastha men kuchh moortiyon, chitron aur vichaaron aadi ki snbaddh ya asnbaddh shrrankhala ka man men aana vah drashy jo nidra ki dasha men dikhaayi pade tvacha ki sngyaahinata
Dream synonyms
imagination nightmare delusion idea thought fantasy image impression rainbow vagary reverie trance daydream fancy specter chimera incubus hallucination bubble speculation wraith castle in the air head trip pie in the sky pipe dream mental picture desire wish aspiration ambition notion hope design flight of fancy visualize conceive invent crave fantasize think long concoct sublimate formulate hunger devise sigh create hatch hanker lust hallucinate thirst imagine pine idealize brainstorm envisage cook up make up stargaze be delirious be moonstruck be up in clouds build castles in air have a flash have a nightmare have a notion have a vision search for pot of gold think up
Dream antonyms
reality actuality existence entity truth concrete fact certainty substance dislike hate hatred despise
Usage of Dream in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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