Dressed meaning in hindi
As verb : आभूषित या अलंकृत Ex:  Devoted pilgrims visiting the shrine were dressed in orange.
आवीत Ex:  We should always be dressed in a proper way. उपल्पित Ex:  theatrically dressed उपसंस्कृत Ex:  The shopping centre was dressed like a bride कटिबद्ध Ex:  warmly dressed कपड़े पहने Ex:  He has dressed up like a parsee. तैयार Ex:  she was dressed very stylishly उ: सारे गोले इसी तरह तैयार कर लीजिये। पहना हुआ Ex:  He was ranked among the best dressed men. पाणिगृहीत Ex:  she was dressed plainly प्रसाधित Ex:  She is very finely dressed today. बद्धपरिकर Ex:  He dressed ulcers, built homes and beds. मुहैया Ex:  The rebels issued coins showing both Heraclii dressed as consuls मौजूद Ex:  The Légère voltigeurs were dressed as chasseurs उ: यहाँ पर विभिन्न प्रकार दुर्लभ वनस्पतियाँ मौजूद है। रैट Ex:  Salads include Olivier salad, vinegret and dressed herring. शीलित Ex:  all dressed Sunset सँजूत Ex:  Be bizarrely dressed संभृत Ex:  be dressed संयत्त Ex:  be dressed conveniently हृष्टपुष्ट Ex:  be well covered, be well and warmly dressed
Dressed ki paribhasha : jo kaam men aane ke liye bilakul upayukt ho gaya ho
ExamplesDressed synonyms
trim drape don adorn turn out decorate attire clothe wear bedeck ornament clad garb array embellish raiment primp apparel rig robe outfit furbish change costume spruce up bundle up fit out slip into slip on suit up arrange do up set align dispose straighten adjust comb make ready treat attend bind heal cauterize sterilize bandage cleanse plaster give first aid sew up Dressed antonyms
uncover disrobe bare undress mess up rumple wrinkle reveal take off unclothe lay bare disarray open uglify disarrange disorder displace dirty Usage of Dressed in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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