Dressed to kill meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Dressed to kill
As adjective :
आकर्षक कपडे पहनना Ex:  Wow, look at Sally! She's really dressed to kill .
Dressed to kill synonyms
rakish dashing spry classy brisk chic chichi clean dainty jaunty nice nifty nimble posh prim ritzy sassy sharp showy snug spruce swanky swell trim bandbox doggy dressed to nines nobby turned out well turned out elegant elaborate fancy ornate in high feather looking sharp fashionable neat slick well-groomed spruced up fly exclusive fine last word latest thing modish snappy trendy with it in fashion well turned-out flashy attractive beautiful in vogue jazzy now sophisticated upscale uptown voguish dandy high-class sleek stunning a la mode polished new groovy modernistic ostentatious pretentious up-to-date urbane tony dressed to the teeth in the mainstream formal dolled up gussied up in full dress in one's best bib and tucker dressed to advantage dressed-up in full feather soignã©e spiffed up well-dressed
Dressed to kill antonyms
scruffy sloppy tousled unstylish plain dirty dishevelled ruffled rumpled shabby ungroomed wrinkled old-fashioned inelegant dowdy informal unfashionable casual unkempt stupid unintelligent worn apathetic lethargic rough dull slow unpolished
Usage of Dressed to kill in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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