Dressing meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Dressing
As noun : उपशोभा Ex:  His colleagues jibed at his dressing sense.
उपस्कृति Ex:  Window dressing is an art. कपड़े पहनना Ex:  The almond dressing was done to make the dish more presentable. कपड़ा पहनना Ex:  “When I walked into the dressing room at half time जेबोजीनत Ex:  Among men, European dressing has greater acceptance. टीमटाम Ex:  Among men, European dressing has greater acceptance. ठटनि,ठटनी Ex:  Among men, European dressing has greater acceptance. ठाटबाट Ex:  Japanese rice mixed with a dressing made of rice vinegar ड्रेसिंग Ex:  Botanical plant whose leaves, powdered, are used to dyeing fabrics and dressing of leather, and whose fruits are poisonous उ:   सलाद ड्रेसिंग की अवधारणा विभिन्न संस्कृतियों में भिन्न होती है। दरेसी करना Ex:  Capsule two, three dressing rooms, etc पटटी बाँधना Ex:  He was in his dressing gown and slippers पट्टी करना Ex:  Individual dressing is said of dressing which each soldier is equipped for personal use प्रसाधन Ex:  It also means, colloquially, the Petit dressing which one surrounds an injured finger उ:   कलौंजी का तेल स्त्रियों का प्रिय सौंदर्य प्रसाधन माना जाता था। बननि Ex:  It also said some portable dressing rooms fairly large, lined with bars one or more sides, and intended to contain animals and even men बन्ध Ex:  It says absolutely, by extension, to designate the Beef dressing उ:   उनको एक सेल में बन्ध किय जाता है और बेरहमी से पिट दिय जाता है। भराव Ex:  Make a dressing उ:   कुछ उत्पादक कृत्रिम भराव से दोषों की मरम्मत कर सकते हैं। मरहम पट्टी Ex:  The dressing rooms of the theater are cantilevered मरहम―पट्टी Ex:  The dressing rooms of the theater are cantilevered मसाला Ex:  The ways of dressing someone उ:   इस प्रकार यह मसाला तैयार हो जाता है। लदाउ, लदाऊ Ex:  Way of dressing व्युढ़ि Ex:  We can now remove, change the dressing व्र व्रणोपचार शानशौंकत संजोवा संसाधन उ:   इससे मानव संसाधन विकास में योगदान मिलता है। सजावट उ:   सजावट के साथ जटिल नक्काशी इस मंदिर की प्रमुख विशेषता है। सज्जना साजति सिंगार, सिँगार
Other : आराइश Ex:  Her dressing and makeup bewitched the audience. दरेसी Ex:  Go greet an actress in her dressing मारपीट Ex:  , Throwing dressing
Dressing ki paribhasha : aisa ladai jisamen aaghaat kiya jaay ek gahana jo pagadi men lagaaya jaata hai vah sthaan jahaaan maarg milen chauraaha kasida kaadhane men pattiyon ke bich ke sthaan ko taagon se bharana kisi padaarth ko prastut karane ke liye aavashyak saamagri
Dressing synonyms
stuffing filling forcemeat robing decking appareling adorning arraying getting dressed manure compost humus
Usage of Dressing in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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