Drier meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Drier
As noun : शुष्कक Ex:  Graubünden also tends to be drier in climate and slightly colder
As adjective :
शुष्कित्र Ex:  Arkansas has very hot, humid summers and mild, slightly drier winters. शोषक Ex:  Karoo, which is drier towards the northwest along the Namib desert. शोषित्र Ex:  The land to the south, in the highlands, is slightly drier and cooler. सुखाने वाला यंत्र Ex:  The western side has a much drier climate. सूखाने वाला Ex:  December through March is slightly drier
Other : सोख्ता Ex:  On the east side of a mountain range the valleys are much drier
Drier ki paribhasha : samaaj ka vah vyakti ya varg jo svalapatam mooly dekar parishram karanevaalon ke parishram ka phal bhogata ho ek prakaar ka mota khuradura kaagaj jo syaahi sokh leta hai
Drier synonyms
dusty arid torrid parched barren bare stale impoverished drained exhausted sear desert bald depleted baked hard thirsty anhydrous athirst rainless dehydrated sapped desiccant shriveled evaporated desiccated dried-up droughty juiceless not irrigated sapless unmoistened waterless simple dreary blah boring plain apathetic impassive insipid matter-of-fact modest monotonous naked phlegmatic tedious tiresome trite wearisome bromidic weariful draggy dull as dishwater ho hum inelaborate sour salty harsh keen cutting caustic biting restrained tart acerbic arcane cynical deadpan droll humorous low-key sardonic satirical sly subtle ironical
Drier antonyms
damp moist wet lively humid soaked soggy watery exciting interesting untiring full unused dripping juicy clear kind dull mild nice bland calm sweet
Usage of Drier in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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