Drink meaning in hindi
As noun : अंबुधि Ex: food and drink
अंबुनिधि Ex: It is mendatory to drink water for human . अंबुभृत् Ex: He vowed never to drink alcohol again अख्ज Ex: He is wont to drink water before the meals. अचना Ex: Please make the drink for the guests. अप्पति Ex: After taking the drink he was non compos mentis for a moment. अबुप Ex: he asked for a drink of water अबुपति Ex: She took to drink अभूरि Ex: I asked for a hot drink अभोराशी Ex: I like the drink of cocoa. अभ्यवहरण Ex: Some girls drink gin. अर्णवपति Ex: iced tea is a cooling drink आपनिधि Ex: Always drink filtered water to avoid certain diseases. आपपति Ex: I plug the bottle of cold drink after taking some out of it. आशि Ex: She likes to drink milk by straw. इततक Ex: Sailors love to drink port. उड़ा देना Ex: Dont drink the water--its contaminated उदन्वान् Ex: He used siphon to drink milk from the bottle. ऊर्ब Ex: After hi sthird drink he felt quite lightheaded. कवलना Ex: I drink water in a glass. काश्य Ex: nectar is drink of gods किंचिन् Ex: I drink a mugful of milk everyday. कूलंकष Ex: I like to drink ice water in summer. क्षीरनिधि Ex: He freshened his drink with ice-cubes . ख़र्च करना Ex: Hes off for a drink with his mates. खाधना Ex: The lecture was a big drink of water . खाना Ex: Come on into the house and have a cold drink . उ: खाना बनाते समय बर्तन को ढक कर रखें। खाली करना Ex: Here, have a cold drink . गंगाधर Ex: Sam doesn't do drugs, and he doesn't drink . उ: लक्ष्मी ताल में महाराजा गंगाधर राव की समाधि स्थित है। गंधिन Ex: Let me pay for your drink . गिलकना Ex: Sit down, Elmer, and have a drink on me . गील्लना Ex: Let me top your drink up . गौल्य Ex: One more drink and Wally will wig out . घोँटना Ex: Rohan, get up, drink hot tea . चंद्रजनक Ex: You please don't drink cold water . छुच्छ Ex: On Pesach during the Seder, it is also required to drink four cups of wine. जग्ध Ex: After her death he continued to drink heavily जलपति Ex: A favorite drink is laban जलरास Ex: Here is an example of a piem: How I need a drink जलेश Ex: The drink hypocras is also believed to be invented by Hippocrates. जेँवना Ex: Chocolate has been used as a drink for nearly all of its history. झषनिकेत Ex: The two of you take food and strong drink together". ढोँकना Ex: In addition to these foodstuffs drink तरंत Ex: He was a committed hedonist who liked to eat and drink heavily तिमिकोश Ex: Massachusetts, where a group of locals meet to drink and generally have fun. तिमिमाली Ex: Ireland exported approximately €7.15 billion worth of agri-food and drink तिलकिट्ट Ex: Many foreigners travel there to drink and dance तीक्ष्णतैल Ex: A common Mauritian drink is "alouda" तोयधि Ex: Poe began to drink more heavily under the stress of Virginia's illness. तोयनिधि Ex: Blue Whale calves drink 380–570 litres of milk a day. तोयराज Ex: In modern times, water is seen as a common choice to drink with a meal. थोड़ा Ex: Mead has often been presented as the common drink of the Slavs. उ: हथेलियों को थोड़ा दबाएं। थोरी, थोरौ Ex: Suntory unveiled a drink named "Final Fantasy VII Potion" थोल Ex: The drink was a limited edition product. धरणीप्लव Ex: People can drink far more water than necessary while exercising धुनीनाथ Ex: The most popular drink is green tea with mint. नदनदीपति Ex: This drink is known as Karsk नदपति Ex: Essentially an orange-based drink नदराज Ex: Coconut crabs may also drink salt water नदीकांत Ex: Bolivia and Brazil drink mate, a herb which is brewed. नदीनिवास Ex: �She refuses to eat or drink and that worries me a lot . नदीपति Ex: The man felt better and asked for something to drink . निगलना Ex: I shall drink some water, honoured Stepan Stepanovitch . नीरनिधि Ex: � �Pa, I'm a big boy now and don't need to drink milk . परांगब Ex: A Coconut drink परिस्रुत् Ex: Absolutely, Pouring drink पाथनाथ Ex: Absolutely, This drink refreshes well पाथरासि Ex: Action to mix liquor with a less strong drink पाथि Ex: alcoholic liquid resulting from the fermentation of grape juice, and drink serving पिद्धना Ex: Almond milk, so drink made with milk and crushed almonds and past पियना Ex: Ancient Greek Vase of which served to drink and was horn-like पिवना Ex: Bavarian chocolate Bavarian or simply, is said of a drink composed of hot milk in which was dissolved chocolate पीईना Ex: By extension, Consume in a café, Y drink are making spending पीना Ex: Cabaret, where we give to drink उ: पत्नी पीना नहीं चाहती है क्योंकि पीपर कड़वा है। पीनार या पान करना Ex: Challenging someone's palm, chess, running, who drink the most, to who arrive first on goal पीवना Ex: Desire, desire, need to drink पृथिवीप्लव Ex: Do not let us think that all the pleasure and drink पेय पदार्थ Ex: Drink deep drafts, Drinking slowly savoring what you drink पेय या शरबत Ex: drink his fill, his fill, drink all you want and need beyond the पेय Ex: Drinking an iced drink with a straw उ: पेय के रूप में डियांग का उपयोग करते है। पेयु Ex: establishment where they drink पेरु Ex: flowing wine, pleasant wine to drink and which passes easily उ: यह पेरु एवं चिली के पश्चिमी तटों पर चलने वाली पवन हैं। प्रतीचीपति Ex: for want of wine, we drink water प्रपीति Ex: good water to drink प्रशत्त्वा, प्रशवा Ex: Good wine to drink प्राणमास्वान् Ex: Having a drink by the handle प्राणोपहार Ex: Having the strong head, said Someone honoring wine which can drink a lot without being inconvenienced प्राशु Ex: He devoted himself to drink प्सा Ex: He killed himself to drink absinthe प्सान Ex: He licks his lips, said of a man that comes from eating or drinking, or who will eat or drink something good and demonstrated his pleasure बनपथ Ex: He said, figuratively, of any kind of excellent wine or nice drink बर्बाद करना Ex: His ordinary drink n ' is that water बह्र Ex: In terms of Marine, Making water if filled with good water to drink भछना Ex: It also means simply Sobriety, moderate use of food and drink भुंचना Ex: It employs absolutely and then said of the drink and eating भुविसू Ex: It has done so much to drink that was drunk भोजनवृत्ति Ex: It is said with exceptionally infinitive After this drink instead of After drinking मदिरा पानना Ex: Large amount of drink that swallows a sudden मद्यपीना Ex: Make reason his glass Sunrise and drink to the health drink that comes to yours मनाक Ex: Make the drink मसकाना Ex: Mix a drink hop मिस्कीट Ex: only water is found to drink मुख्तसर Ex: Pay at dinner, drink मुष्टिमेय Ex: Physiology Introduction of food or drink through the mouth into the stomach रंच Ex: Reverser drink रंचक Ex: sec Plan Diet, which is not to drink during meals रत्नगर्भ Ex: Serve is also said to drink to someone रत्ननायक Ex: Small vase in which they give drink to the caged birds रत्नराशि Ex: Socrates and Phocion were sentenced to drink hemlock रिताना Ex: Some wines are good in futures, They are good to drink immediately after the harvest लखमीतात Ex: Sort of drink made of water and honey लबणकर Ex: soup, sauce or drink where water is in excess लबणांभ Ex: The bottom of this bottle is cloudy, do not drink लवणजल Ex: The food and drink are common to humans and animals लाति Ex: There is at the corner a man who gives to drink लालपरी Ex: These poor people could not offer us the drink लालपानी Ex: This cold drink with drink us well लीकना Ex: This drink has a aigret taste is not unpleasant लेना Ex: This man drinks well, drink it dry, he drinks a lot उ: मास्को में चलने के लिए दो व्यक्तियों का सहारा लेना पड़ता था। वरुणावास Ex: This meat, this drink burden on the stomach, it is difficult to digest वरुणोद Ex: This paper drink because we did not do well stuck वल्मन Ex: This we drink to drink, to cool off, etc वा रनाथ Ex: To love too much to drink and eat वाराशि Ex: Too drink eating inflates the stomach वारिराशि Ex: Way to drink while wearing the head back and pouring the drink into the mouth without the vase key lips वारींवद्र Ex: When everyone had left the table, he began to drink more beautiful वार्द्घि Ex: When one came to his rescue, he began to drink वार्धि Ex: Which of the two genres is not good to drink विलायती पानी Ex: White Water, Water in which laid for sound the horses to drink विष्वाण Ex: Who gets to get drunk or drink excessively शंखी Ex: wine ready to drink wine that acquired its maturity, which is ready to be bu शराब पीना Ex: Wine to drink good wine to drink शराब Ex: , Drinking the wine of the stirrup, or stirrup-cup, drink a glass of wine when you're ready to go उ: शराब और अन्य नशा हमलावर वस्तुओं का हकमा बंद। शरीरस्थिति Ex: , emptying a bottle, a glass, drink the liquid they contain शौंडा Ex: , It is a ton said of a drunkard, a man accustomed to drink excessively श्रयना Ex: , Making libations, drink abundantly, especially wine and manner of celebration सफीफ Ex: , Making the Norman hole, drink a glass of alcohol between two flat समाश Ex: , must not say, fountain, I do not drink your water, should never sure we will not need such a person or such thing समुद्र Ex: , Paying pint bottle to someone, someone Conduct drink and pay for it उ: समुद्र के पार जाकर राम ने डेरा डाला। सराब ‡ Ex: , Porter says the head of a drink or vapor that stuns, that header सरिदभर्ता Ex: , the place where it sells food and drink सरिद्वत् Ex: , to drink tire- larigot, drink like a Templar, drink like a fish, like a sponge, Drinking excessively सलामती जाम पीईना Ex: Arbuste of South America, holly genre, including grilled leaves slightly, then crushed and pulverized, give by their infusion in boiling water similar drink Chinese tea सलिलनिधि Ex: The drinkers in the stations of water Patients who drink सलिलराशि Ex: The stirrup-cup, the wine of the stirrup, one that we drink at from सवणांबुगशि सहना सामंद सिंदुररसना सिंधुनाथ सिंधुराज सुधानिधि सुरापाण, सुरापान सुरापीथ सुलिप सेँधु सेँधुर सोख लेना सोखना सोदधित्व स्तिभि स्तोकक स्रोतपत स्वादुरसा हरामखोरी हालहली हिरण्यद हृस्व
As verb : मदिरा पान करना Ex: It particularly says the amount that they drink once in
Other : मद्यपान Ex: made drink with apple juice pressurées उ: हर त्यौहार तथा उत्सव का मद्यपान आवश्यक अंग है।
Drink ki paribhasha : bhabake sai khich ya sadakar banaaya hua prasiddh maadak ras chini aadi men paka hua kisi oshadhi ka ark jo dava ke kaam aata hai aalamaari, mej ya sndook aadi men chijen rakhane ke liye patariyon ya takhton ke dvaara kiya hua vibhaag doosare ke haath se apane haath men karana 2612 jaana vah jalaraashi jo prathvi ko chaaron or se ghere hue hai aur jo is prathvital ke praayaः tin chaturthaansh men vyaapt hai jo maatra ya parimaan men adhik na ho 5028 vah sab tumhen sahana padega kisi taral vastu ko ghooant ghooant karake gale ke niche utaarana vah chij jo pini ke kaam men aati ho
ExamplesDrink synonyms
sip cup liquor refreshment glass booze brew toast potion shot spirits potation swig spot slug gulp taste draft libation swallow potable thirst quencher inhale consume drain guzzle suck quaff sponge gargle irrigate slosh swill imbibe absorb indulge tipple down sop dissipate sup lap nip belt put away tank up slurp hit the bottle liquor up partake of soak up toss off wash down wet whistle Drink antonyms
food abstain Usage of Drink in sentences
The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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