Dripping meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Dripping
As noun : गलन Ex:  Water is dripping from the roof.
Rain is dripping from the trees.
बहुत गीला Ex:  He was dripping with blood माँस तेल Ex:  His hair dripping मांसरस Ex:  Physics He said a liquid dripping
As verb : रिसते हुए Ex:  The blood dripping from his nose
Other : चुआन Ex:  Water was dripping onto the floor. चूना Ex:  Absolutely, it was raining there for a moment, still dripping roofs उ:   चारमीनार ग्रेनाइट, चूना पत्थर, मोर्टार और चूर्णित संगमरमर से बना है।
Dripping synonyms
sprinkle plop rain drizzle filter splash weep exude dribble trill
Dripping antonyms
pour collect
Usage of Dripping in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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