Drooping meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Drooping
As verb : निर्जीवप्राय Ex:  By analogy, This dog is wearing, it has long ears, drooping and the same color
लटकता हुआ Ex:  Pan dress, rugged, drooping of certain garments व्यालंबी Ex:  The drooping hair, Long hair is left hanging
As adjective : क्लांतिनत Ex:  Some recently developed cultivars have drooping heads.
Drooping synonyms
limp enervated flaccid lackadaisical languid lethargic languorous cernuous nutant
Drooping antonyms
Usage of Drooping in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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