Dry rot meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Dry rot Examples
Dry rot synonyms
shrivel fade pollute wane dwindle disintegrate lessen corrode discolor wither degenerate mortify atrophy rot dissolve decompose decline putrefy mildew collapse sicken curdle slump defile turn perish molder sink spoil blight fail sap suppurate depreciate weaken break up get worse dry-rot be impaired become contaminated go bad go to seed go to the dogs hit rock bottom hit the skids pejorate putresce reach depths waste away wear away
Dry rot antonyms
enlarge grow improve increase combine unite put together ascend prosper germinate expand brighten color strengthen raise develop extend build rise help make well flourish ripen
Usage of Dry rot in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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