Dryness meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Dryness
As noun : जलशून्यता Ex:  Due to extreme and consistent dryness
तकवा Ex:  Due to the altitude and dryness of the atmosphere त्वग्शुष्कता Ex:  Evaporate to dryness त्वचा का रूखापन Ex:  His soul is a dryness that makes it foreign to anything that others interested in संयम Ex:  The dryness of his heart उ:   अहिंसा, संयम और तप ही धर्म है। सयाम Ex:  , The dryness of the heart, imagination सूखापन Ex:  The dryness of the land done great harm to crops उ:   अरबी त्वचा का सूखापन और झुर्रियाँ भी दूर करती है।
Other : रुक्ष Ex:  Physics Instrument to measure the moisture or dryness of the air रूखापन Ex:  Science that s 'responsible for determining the humidity state or dryness of the air शुष्कता Ex:  The dryness of a soil
Dryness ki paribhasha : shushk hone ka bhaav ya dharm haanikaarak ya buri vastuon se bachane ki kriya
Usage of Dryness in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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