Dubious meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Dubious
As noun : द्वंद्वभूत Ex:  Abrictosaurus, Lycorhinus and the dubious Geranosaurus are found.
विचिकित्सित Ex:  The legality of this was dubious विशयी Ex:  Clarity dubious शंकिनी Ex:  If sometimes dubious conjunction सँदेहिल Ex:  In a dubious manner संदेहास्पद Ex:  Probity dubious उ:   किंतु इनमें से कौन मुख्य धारा है, यह संदेहास्पद है। सहृल्लेख Ex:  Solve after examining dubious and contested thing सांशायिक Ex:  Three of the committee members are, for me, three against and four other dubious
As adjective : डगमग Ex:  The article contained dubious insinuations of bestiality दोचिता Ex:  He also noted that such estimates depend on many dubious assumptions. द्विधामत Ex:  Alabama shares the dubious distinction विचरित Ex:  Much is of dubious title. विचिकित्सित Ex:  The legality of this was dubious विशयी Ex:  Clarity dubious संकसुक Ex:  In the plural, it often means difficult to understand passages, points dubious संदिग्ध Ex:  Intonation dubious उ:   अभी तक कोई भी आधिकारिक रूप से संदिग्ध नहीं है। संदिहान Ex:  Major Causes, Large Business of the church concerning faith, points dubious and important discipline or the same person bishops संशयोपेत Ex:  Proposal dubious संशायित Ex:  Reputation dubious सहृल्लेख Ex:  Solve after examining dubious and contested thing सांशायिक Ex:  Three of the committee members are, for me, three against and four other dubious
Other : विचारणीय Ex:  It may include the dubious Mongolian I. orientalis. उ:   क्रोचे के अभिव्यंजनावाद की साहित्यिक दृष्टि से उपयोगिता विचारणीय है।
Dubious synonyms
questionable skeptical uncertain equivocal hesitant improbable problematic shady suspicious arguable fishy unreliable unsure reluctant debatable chancy diffident disputable far-fetched fly-by-night iffy indecisive moot open perplexed suspect undecided undependable unlikely untrustworthy wavering dubitable mootable unconvinced touch and go trustless unassured untrusty ambiguous disinclined indefinite indeterminate obscure unsettled mistrustful problematical
Dubious antonyms
undoubted unquestionable determined believable likely probable aboveboard trustworthy honest reliable trusty unambiguous certain definite sure clear secure doubtless positive undoubtful indubious unobscure settled
Usage of Dubious in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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