Duplication meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Duplication
As noun : अनुलिपिकरण Ex:  Control duplication On an aircraft with a pilot and copilot
द्विरावृत्ति Ex:  This duplication made a decisive breakthrough virtually impossible. द्वैध Ex:  Physical duplication technologies such as printing उ:   प्रांतों में द्वैध शासन पूरी तरह विफल रहा।
Duplication ki paribhasha : raajaniti ke shadgunon men se ek jisamen paraspar ke vyavahaar men gupt aur prakat svabhaav rakhana padta hai arthaat mukhy ud deshy gush rakhakar doosara uddeshy prakat kiya jaata hai
Usage of Duplication in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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