During meaning in hindi
As noun : के समय में Ex:  Doctors use lancet during the operation.
के समय Ex:  We camped on Nilgiri hills during summer. में उ: इस में परिभाषाएँ भी दी गई थीं।
Other : कालावधितक Ex:  Nationalization of banks in India was done during Indira Gandhis reign. की अवधि में Ex:  Tracer of bullets were seen during the Iran-Iraq war. के दौरान (में Ex:  Pantihose are mostly wore by people during exercise. के दौरान Ex:  Public was flogged to death during the speeches given by leaders during the election compaign. दरमियान Ex:  People are benefitted during transitional relief. उ: इसकी ऊंचाई ९०० से १,५०० मीटर के दरमियान है। दौरान Ex:  Most of the good books on English were published during the British rule. उ: इस दौरान ली गाइड की भूमिका में नजर आए । बीच Ex:  He was outspoken during his interview. उ: इस बीच दूर और पास के कई भक्त उन्हें घेरे रहते थे। मध्य में Ex:  Were you there during the carnival?
During ki paribhasha : kisi paridhi, sima ya maryaada ka kendr athava us kendr ke aas paas ka koi sthaan jahaaan se chaaron or ki sima praayaः samaan antar par ho
ExamplesDuring synonyms
amid as meanwhile midst over pending throughout until when all along all the while at the same time as at the time for the time being in the course of in the interim in the meanwhile in the middle of in the time of the time between the whole time Usage of During in sentences
The word is used as preposition in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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