Dwarf meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Dwarf
As noun : किलात Ex:  Moria was an ancient dwarf kingdom
खट्टन Ex:  Other objects that may become classified as dwarf planets are Sedna गुट्ठा Ex:  The Solar System also contains at least three dwarf planets . टिलिवा Ex:  However in 2006 several of these objects were reclassified as dwarf planets टुइयाँ Ex:  Eris and Ceres from full-fledged planethood, making them instead dwarf planets. टुइयाँ Ex:  Eris and Ceres from full-fledged planethood, making them instead dwarf planets. ठिँगना Ex:  These models were known as dwarf safeties ठेँगना Ex:  Such stars are said to be on the main sequence and are called dwarf stars. नाटा Ex:  The Sun is a yellow dwarf star. पस्तकद Ex:  Some of the dwarf galaxies orbiting the Milky Way are Canis Major Dwarf पस्तकद Ex:  Some of the dwarf galaxies orbiting the Milky Way are Canis Major Dwarf बाँवारथी Ex:  Ceres, Pluto and Eris, are considered dwarf planets. बौन Ex:  "A dwarf planet is not a planet बौना कर देना Ex:  Martin argued that the brain is far too small to be a separate dwarf species बौना जैसा प्रकट करना Ex:  Fairy tales are full of giant and dwarf बौना Ex:  It is also said Rosier dwarf, dwarf Capucine उ:   पौधा बौना रह जाता है और व्यात कम होती है। वामनक Ex:  The dwarf birch विकास मे बाधा डालना Ex:  Yellow Dwarf, Games cards where one uses a table in the middle of which is depicted a dwarf holding in his hand a tile seven स्तोककाय स्वल्पशरीर हृस्व ह्रस्वमूर्ति
Other : गुट्टा Ex:  The Sun is classified as a moderately large yellow dwarf बामन Ex:  Many dwarf galaxies may orbit a single larger galaxy वामन Ex:  See the two kinds dwarf उ:   संस्कृत-हिन्दी कोश, वामन शिवराम आप्टे।
Dwarf ki paribhasha : bahut chhota aadami jo dekhane men, ladke ke samaan jaan pade, par ho poori avastha ka
Dwarf synonyms
petite diminutive pocket low baby undersized midget bantam lilliputian homunculus tom thumb dwarfling hinder diminish dominate overshadow retard suppress lower belittle stunt check predominate tower above minify detract from look down upon make small micrify rise above tower over
Dwarf antonyms
huge large giant tall big praise help maximize oversize
Usage of Dwarf in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun, verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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