Dye meaning in hindi
As noun : रँग Ex:  CMYK equivalents, dye colours, HSL equivalents, and Pantone equivalents. उ: संपूर्ण सेल को विद्युत्रोधी पेंट से रँग दिया जाता है।
रंग करना Ex:  When used as a food additive, the dye must be labelled on packaging labels. रंग Ex:  IG Farben was the world's largest drug, chemical and dye conglomerate. उ: इस पर काले रंग की धारियाँ पायी जाती हैं। रंगड़ा Ex:  Botanical A plant of the Rubiaceae family, whose roots provide a beautiful red dye वर्णका Ex:  It also said of the red or yellow dye derived from powdered leaves of this shrub वर्णगत Ex:  n It did not dye the first letters
As verb : रँगना Ex:  To produce dye from cochineals रंगना Ex:  Chemistry Hydrochloride rosaniline, red dye उ: रंगना हेराथ उसके स्थान पर कप्तान के रूप में नामित किया गया था।
Other : रंजक Ex:  If dye hair, beard and dyed in absolutely Giving his hair, his beard artificial color obtained by dyeing उ: इनमे से कई ध्वनियाँ ऐसी होती हैं जो रंजक नहीं होती।
Dye ki paribhasha : padaarthon ke laala, pile aadi bhedon ka naam vah thodi si baarud jo batti lagaane ke vaaste bndook ki pyaali par rakhi jaati hai kisi vastu par rng chadhaana
ExamplesDye synonyms
stain tint pigment tinge tincture dyestuff colorant impregnate Dye antonyms
bleach whitener fade Usage of Dye in sentences
The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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