Dynamic meaning in hindi
As noun : गति बोधक Ex: Modern day Rome has a dynamic and diverse economy with thriving technologies
गति विज्ञान संबंधी Ex: An exception to this dynamic is songwriting. प्रोद्यत Ex: The troposphere is a very dynamic part of the atmosphere सक्रिय Ex: Modern airships use dynamic helium volume. उ: वह आदिशक्ति का सक्रिय रूप है। सोद्यम Ex: Norman Whitfield changed the group's dynamic
As adjective : अनिविशामान Ex: The party inducted several young and dynamic professionals. इतिक Ex: affluenza is dynamic and it keeps on changing. ऊर्जावान Ex: The figures that he created are forceful and dynamic उ: यह सबसे ऊर्जावान उँगली होती है। गतिक Ex: The dynamic nature of Bradman’s batting contrasted sharply with his quiet उ: किसी भी जलवायु में एक निश्चित प्रकार का गतिक साम्य होता है। गतिमान् Ex: One method for reducing the computational demands of dynamic programming गतिशील Ex: As the Leet cipher is highly dynamic उ: यहाँ की विद्याधर और अप्सराएँ गतिशील हैं। गत्यात्मक Ex: Other types of modeling include dynamic systems and stochastic modeling. उ: फ्रायड ने मन या व्यक्तित्व के स्वरुप को गत्यात्मक माना है। चच्चल Ex: Riyadh has developed into a dynamic metropolis over the years. चरणयु Ex: These changes can be caused by dynamic process on Earth छछहा Ex: Offshore of the landfast ice the ice remains very dynamic all year जविन Ex: Behind its appearance of a dynamic city पेस्वर Ex: The result is a dynamic musical scene प्रजवन Ex: Today the Republic of China has a dynamic capitalist बिसर्पी Ex: Google Maps, and other dynamic Web applications. शद्रु Ex: Thus even on sites with highly dynamic content सचर Ex: This dynamic is luring many younger residents to the downtown area.
Other : गतिमान Ex: Schelling worked on dynamic models, early examples of evolutionary game theory.
Dynamic ki paribhasha : nraty men ek prakaar ki cheshta jisamen haath ke ishaare se kisi ko bulaaya jaata hai pragativaad ke siddhaant par aadhaarit
ExamplesDynamic synonyms
productive vigorous energetic effective influential forceful powerful potent compelling lively progressive changing aggressive charismatic electric driving go-getter go-ahead energizing enterprising forcible intense lusty magnetic peppy strenuous vehement zippy vitalizing activating coming on strong go-getting highpowered hyped-up play for keeps play hard ball red-blooded Dynamic antonyms
fruitless impotent unproductive idle inactive lethargic incapable ineffective apathetic boring passive unexciting weak lifeless dull Usage of Dynamic in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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