Dynamics meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Dynamics
As noun : गतिकी Ex:  Roughly, heat means "energy in transit" and dynamics relates to "movement" उ:   इसका गतिकी सिद्धांत की लगभग सभी पुस्तकों में उल्लेख होता है।
गतिविज्ञान Ex:  Contrary to the flight dynamics officer's initial statement उ:   गतिविज्ञान को दो भागों में अंतिर्विभक्त किया जा सकता है। गति―विज्ञान Ex:  Goethe had a great effect on the changing dynamics of the 19th century. प्रावैगिक Ex:  Due to the dynamics of this type of system, they are also quite rare.
Other : गति विज्ञान Ex:  Architecture first evolved out of the dynamics between needs and means .
Dynamics synonyms
act gesture passage stream agitation fluctuation move sweep sign tendency oscillation gesticulation travel mobility progress stir inclination direction wavering drift changing change advance sway signal flow flux swing locomotion passing stirring high sign ambulation motility kinetics body english full swing
Dynamics antonyms
idleness stagnation repose stiffness stillness immobility rest
Usage of Dynamics in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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