Each other meaning in hindi
As noun : अंन्योअन्य Ex:  They have been corresponding each other for years.
अन्योन्य Ex:  weve known each other for ages उ: बहुत से कीटों और पौधों का संबंध अन्योन्य होता है। अपरस्पर Ex:  they phone each other off and on एक दूसरा Ex:  They spoke to each other in undertones during the meeting. एक दूसरे से Ex:  They dont resemble each other in any way. एक दूसरे Ex:  temperamentally suited to each other
Other : आपस Ex:  Children were shoving each other while they were playing. उ: तुम्हारे आपस के मामलात का निर्णय है।
Each other ki paribhasha : vah kaavyaalnkaar jisamen do vastuon ki kisi kriya ya gun ka ek dusare ke kaaran utpann hona varnan kiya jaay
ExamplesEach other synonyms
one each and every one every last one one and all one another Each other antonyms
none Usage of Each other in sentences
The word is used as pronoun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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