Early meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Early
As noun : पूर्वकालीन Ex:  Many comets and asteroids collided into Earth in its early stages. उ:   बांसुरी पूर्वकालीन ज्ञात संगीत उपकरणों में से एक है।
As adjective :
अकाल Ex:  Atul spent his early childhood in Dehradun. उ:   अकाल के साथ-साथ प्रजनन क्षमता भी कम हो जाती है। अगसर Ex:  In early times less peanuts were given for much job. अगाई Ex:  In the early 1950s computers were expensive and unreliable अग्रवर Ex:  Sword is a weapon which was used in battles in early times. अनऋतु Ex:  it was an early awakening अफरा तफरी Ex:  We removed to Mumbai early in June. अव्वलन् Ex:  Their machinatons were quashed at an early stage. आगाज Ex:  The early man lived in caves. आदि Ex:  I detest having to get up early in the morning. उ:   "क", "ख" आदि व्यंजन सस्वर हैं- अकारयुक्त हैं। आदिम Ex:  She leaves for college early in the morning. उ:   आदिम भारोपीय भाषा से यह भाषा काफी दूर जा पड़ी है। आरंभ का Ex:  an early waker आरम्भिक Ex:  He is an early riser.
Watermelons are early this year.
उ:   इस परियोजना की आरम्भिक लागत है।
उतायली Ex:  Kings had town-criers in early days. उतालो Ex:  He got a rebate of 5% for early settlement. ऊरे Ex:  Children learn early on to categorize ओताल Ex:  My mother could not study in a college due to early marriage. किब्ल Ex:  She was widowed at an early age. कैतसाली Ex:  He was an indoctrinate child from an early age with stick religious beliefs. चँड़ाई Ex:  Swamiji accepted sainthood in his early age. चटपट Ex:  He learnt swimming at a very early age. चढ़पट Ex:  Max bribed Lily into leaving early . जल्दी से Ex:  Darkness comes on early these days . जल्दी Ex:  The early birds get the best seats . उ:   जितना जल्दी हो सके मरीज़ को अस्पताल पहुंचाएं। जूद Ex:  I was in hopes of getting there early . तातो Ex:  The trees leafed out early this year . ताबल Ex:  I retired from the company early . तुराव Ex:  Farming of abalone began in the late 1950s and early 1960s in Japan and China. थेट Ex:  Also in early 1946, new elections were called in India. दुरभिच Ex:  Like so many early Indian films दुर्भख Ex:  An early example of this was Bimal Roy's Two Acres of Land निकटतम Ex:  In the early morning of 29 October उ:   कोयंबतूर यहाँ का निकटतम हवाई अड्डा है। परथम Ex:  By the early 19th cent. पहले Ex:  In the early 20th century उ:   पहले पुर्तगाल ने कोलम्बो के पास अपना दुर्ग बनाया। पुब्ब Ex:  In the 1960s and early 1970s पूब Ex:  In many early classes of submarines पूर्व Ex:  As early as World War I उ:   १८२८ से पूर्व बीजिंग विश्व का सबसे बड़ा नगर था। पेले Ex:  Prior to the early 20th century पैल ‡ Ex:  In the early 20th century प्राच Ex:  Built in the early 20th century प्रारंभिक Ex:  In the early Italian Renaissance उ:   उन्होंने अपनी प्रारंभिक शिक्षा चेन्नई से पूरी की। प्रारभ Ex:  Spanky, and Buckwheat in the series until they were in their early teens. मुखचालि Ex:  From the 1930s to the early 1990s मुष्टि Ex:  J. Charles Haydon, and early appearances by Harold Lloyd and Hal Roach. रवारवी Ex:  In the early 20th century शप Ex:  Perhaps as early as the 12th Dynasty शर्क Ex:  In the early 1900s Henri Poincaré शीघ्रीय Ex:  Following early struggles शु Ex:  The early realizations of these ideas शुरू Ex:  In early Enigma models उ:   यह सब होली के कई दिनों पहले शुरू हो जाता है। शैघ्र, शैघ्य्र Ex:  In early October 2000 सरभ Ex:  Beginning in the early 1900s सौँकेरे ‡ Ex:  Thirty-seven early translators of Buddhist texts are known स्वयंभू Ex:  Starting in early 1942 उ:   यहाँ शिव पार्वती एक साथ स्वयंभू रूप में जलहरी के मध्य विद्यमान हैं । हलभली Ex:  They reached Laodicea early in January 1148 हाथाहाथी Ex:  Throughout the 1980s and early 90s
As adverb : अवसर पर Ex:  It is home truth that early childhood decides the behaviour of man आद्य Ex:  i'm going to bounce. i have to get up early tomorrow. उ:   जिससे प्रतीत होता है कि वास्तव में आद्य शंकराचार्य शिव के अवतार थे। उचित काल का Ex:  In early ships a figurehead was always placed prominently at the head. प्राचीन काल में Ex:  Three studies were released in the early 2000s प्रातःकालीन Ex:  California in the early 1990s प्रारंभ में Ex:  As Knorozov's early essays contained few new readings प्रारम्भ का Ex:  In early December 1979 सबेरे का Ex:  Since the early 2000s सवेरे Ex:  By the early 20th century उ:   सवेरे लाजो की नींद खुलने पर खुद को नेवला साथ निर्वस्त्र पाती है।
Other : समय पर Ex:  In the early 13th century सुदौसी Ex:  In the late 1950s and early 1960s
Early ki paribhasha : ganana men jisaka sthaan sabase pahale ho bhaagavat ke anusaar kuruvnshiy agnivarn ke putr ka naam jisake khaane se shaaririk ya aatmik bal badhe vah disha jis or soory nikalata hua dikhalaayi deta ho thik samay se pahale ya pichhe ka samay kisi kaary ki prathamaavastha ka snpaadan
Early synonyms
previous fresh initial new recent aboriginal ancient antecedent antediluvian antiquated budding preceding premier primal prime primeval primitive primordial prior pristine raw undeveloped young brand-new early bird a bit previous prevenient proleptical briefly shortly beforehand promptly unexpectedly directly prematurely quick betimes ahead of time anon presently pronto too soon before long bright and early ere long far ahead in advance in good time in the bud in time on short notice on the dot oversoon proximately with time to spare advanced immature precocious punctual seasonable speedy untimely anticipative anticipatory precipitant before appointed time matinal overearly preexistent unanticipated recently right away first instantaneously instantly newly presto summarily thereupon straightaway at once freshly in a jiffy in an instant in no time primitively seasonably thereon without delay
Early antonyms
future worn later old
Usage of Early in sentences

The word is used as adjective adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb, adverb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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