Earner meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Earner
As noun : उपार्जक Ex:  It is also the second-largest foreign exchange earner after tourism.
वेतन पाने वाला Ex:  Rubies are the biggest earner श्रमजीवी उ:   वह धीरे-धीरे श्रमजीवी और महिला आंदोलनों में सक्रिय हो गयीं। श्रमी
Other : अर्जन Ex:  He is the only earner in his family. कमासुत Ex:  Soft drink concentrate is the country's largest export earner
Earner ki paribhasha : bauddhik parishram karake jivika chalaanevaala
Usage of Earner in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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