Earthly meaning in hindi
As adjective : असथूल Ex:  Each of the four earthly elements has its natural place
इमकानी Ex:  Originally an earthly king ruling by divine appointment तनिक भी Ex:  all earthly joys दुनियापरस्त Ex:  In terms of Devotion, tears Valley , Living down here, earthly life and suffering as opposed to heaven, the happiness of the life to नेरी Ex:  In terms of writing, poor in spirit, those who have the heart and mind detached from earthly goods परितर्कित Ex:  It is also said, in the style of the Chair, purify his heart from all earthly affection पार्थिव Ex:  Poverty of spirit, The entire detachment from earthly goods उ: रासायनिक दृष्टि से यह क्षारीय पार्थिव धातु समूह का सदस्य है। भवसंभव Ex:  The futility of earthly things भौतिक उ: शब्द भौतिक भी इसी मूल से आया है। मुतलक संभावित उ: नाभिकीय ऊर्जा के दो संभावित स्रोत हैं। सांसारिक उ: ये सांसारिक सुखों का उपभोग करने वाले होते हैं।
Other : ऐहलौकिक Ex:  The kami are commonly petitioned for earthly benefits: a child जागतिक Ex:  "On no earthly account will I do any act or think any thought hostile . भौमिक मृण्मय लौकिक उ: लौकिक न्याय की सूक्तियों के भी अनेक संग्रह हैं।
Earthly ki paribhasha : mitti ka shivaling jisake poojan ka bad
ExamplesEarthly synonyms
terrestrial mundane temporal worldly carnal corporeal global human material mortal profane secular tellurian telluric terrene alluvial geotic in all creation nonspiritual subastral sublunary terraqueous uncelestial under the sun unspiritual feasible imaginable likely possible potential practical probable Earthly antonyms
heavenly otherworldly spiritual unearthly inconceivable mental immaterial Usage of Earthly in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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