Eaves meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Eaves
As noun : ओरी Ex:  Bird nesting under the eaves has laid some eggs.
छ्ज्जा Ex:  Bleeding horse eaves to ढाबा Ex:  Some say eaves वलीकतट Ex:  The eaves of a boundary wall
Other : ओलती Ex:  Overhanging eaves are commonly employed for this purpose. उ:   ओलती या ओरी किसी छत के किनारे को कहते है। वलीक Ex:  The eaves
Eaves ki paribhasha : dhaluvaaan chhappar ka vah bhaag jahaaan se varsha ka paani niche girata hai roti aadi ki dookaan striyon ko pukaarane ka ek snbodhan
Eaves synonyms
rim soffit
Usage of Eaves in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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