Ebullience meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Ebullience
As noun : उलाह
जोश जोशिश ठपाक परिश्रृत शक्ति उ:   शरीर तत्व को जीवित रखने वाली अप्रत्यक्ष शक्ति ही 'आत्मा' है।
Other : उफान
Ebullience ki paribhasha : aaanch paakar phen ke sahit oopar uthana ras ke snvaari bhaavon men se ek kisi vastu ka aaanch ya garami paakar phen ke sahit oopar uthana ek alnkaar jisamen ek ke gun ya dosh se doosare men gun ya dosh dikhalaaya jaata hai isake chaar bhed hain—k gun se gun hona vegon ko tivr karane ki kriya kisi taral padaarth ka aaanch ya garami ke kaaran ubalana praachin RRishi ka naam jo paraashar ke pita the
Ebullience synonyms
liveliness elation buoyancy exuberance gaiety effervescence zest agitation vitality excitement ferment exhilaration animation vivaciousness high-spiritedness effusiveness vivacity exuberancy high spirits
Ebullience antonyms
sadness apathy lethargy calm depression unhappiness dullness peace discouragement disinterest
Usage of Ebullience in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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