Edgeways meaning in hindi
As noun : ऐंड़बैंड़ Ex:  he sawed the board edgeways
तिक्खा तिरछन तिरछा तिरीछा तिरीछो तीछे बँकार बँकैत बंकट बंकिम बंकुस बक्र बेँड़ा वगलौहाँ विजिह्म सरगपताली सावीकृत
As adverb : किनारा आगे या ऊपर की ओर करके
Edgeways ki paribhasha : jo apane aadhaar par samakon banaata hua na gaya ho
ExamplesEdgeways synonyms
oblique crabwise flanking side-by-side sidelong sideward sidewise skirting obliquely alongside aside athwart indirectly laterally side by side slanting sloping aslant aslope broadside sidewards slantingly slantwise to the side Edgeways antonyms
central centered Usage of Edgeways in sentences
The word is used as adjective adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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