Educate meaning in hindi
As noun : पढाना Ex: education house, house where we take the children to boarding school to educate
सिक्षा देना
As verb : ज्ञन देना Ex: To educate people about their rights in this way तालीम देना Ex: The first goal of a Leninist party is to educate the proletariat पढाना लिखाना Ex: Action to educate someone on the precepts, principles necessary for his education पढा़ना Ex: I want to educate myself by my own eyes प्रबोधना Ex: Master, schoolmistress, one, one that takes children to boarding school to educate प्रशिक्षित करना Ex: Music box which is played by means of a crank, whose main use is to educate canaries and other songbirds पढ़ान Ex: The one Antique who, among the Greeks, was the expenses to organize and educate the choirs taking part in theatrical performances पढ़ाना लिखाना Ex: We regularly educate the each other of what happens to the places where we are पढ़ाना Ex: , washing the head of a donkey, a More, one loses his laundry, we lose the pains we take to educate a person stupid, stubborn, obstinate, or to make him see reason विद्यादान शिक्षा देना शिक्षा प्रदान करना सिखना सिखवना सिखाना
Other : शिक्षित करना
ExamplesEducate synonyms
discipline develop tutor instruct train cultivate enlighten rear improve foster school coach mature edify indoctrinate brief explain drill brainwash nurture civilize exercise drum into let in on put hip put through the grind show the ropes Educate antonyms
decrease destroy ignore learn neglect Usage of Educate in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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