Eerily meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Eerily
As noun :
अस्वाभाविक भयानकतापूर्ण ढंग से Ex:  Hermie heads over to Dorothy's house, which he finds eerily quiet.
Eerily synonyms
uncannily bizarrely creepily mysteriously preternaturally supernaturally spookily weirdly bloodcurdlingly grimly formidably fearfully unnervingly chillingly hauntingly ominously forebodingly spectrally fantastically phantasmatically monstrously sinisterly otherworldly unusually
Eerily antonyms
naturally nicely pleasantly normally ordinarily delightfully agreeably invitingly mildly becomingly gracefully fittingly conventionally routinely plainly
Usage of Eerily in sentences

The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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