Egotism meaning in hindi
As noun : अतिमाति Ex:  His egotism made him venal
अस्मिता Ex:  One of the two genres, one that practice egotism उ: इसमें अस्मिता की खोज का आख्यान है । अहँकार Ex:  This writer professes egotism अहंकार उ: अहंकार तो उन्ळें छू भी नहीं सका था । अहंधी अहंभाव अहंमन्यता उ: आपकी अहंमन्यता सभी रचनाओं में परिलक्षित होती है। चित्तोद्रेक तुमतराक ममकार मुटाई मुरड़ मेरी उ: मेरी शुभकामनायें आपके साथ है। शूरमान शौटीरता
Egotism ki paribhasha : yogashaastr ke anusaar paaanch prakaar ke kleshon men se ek
ExamplesEgotism synonyms
selfishness narcissism self-absorption arrogance conceit egoism self-centeredness vainglory pride vanity vainness boastfulness self-aggrandizement bragging self-praise immodesty self-admiration Egotism antonyms
humility modesty shyness timidity Usage of Egotism in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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