Elaborate meaning in hindi
As noun : विस्तार से बनाना Ex: The Nri kingdom is famous for its elaborate bronzes
As verb :
अक्ष्ण Ex: He drew an elaborate plan of attack आतन Ex: The Tanjore temple has an elaborate fretted border in the quadrangle. कठिनता पूर्वक बनाना Ex: They performed elaborate rituals. निष्पन्न Ex: Ismet Peja and the romantic, more elaborate Qamil i Vogël of Djakovica. उ: व्याकरण में ‘धातु’ का अर्थ है - ‘जिससे शब्द निष्पन्न होता है’। परिश्रम से बनाना Ex: Millennia-old traditions such as the building of elaborate tombs परिश्रम से बनाया हुआ Ex: The Ottoman style of mosques usually included elaborate columns बहुश्रमसिद्ध Ex: In more elaborate animistic religions ब्यापक, ब्यापकु Ex: Haeckel did not elaborate on the concept भूम्न Ex: The procellariids lack the elaborate breeding dances of the albatrosses वचनव्यक्ति Ex: Such elaborate structure of council विप्रसारण Ex: While a few of the public shrines are elaborate structures विस्तार करना Ex: Louis XIV’s elaborate rules of etiquette included the following: In addition विस्तार पूर्वक करना Ex: The Beach Boys began recording in 1961 with an elaborate विस्तार में कहना Ex: It was often used in a more elaborate form such as Anno Nostrae Salutis विस्तार से किया हुआ Ex: 200 other aircraft, and elaborate missile and gun defenses. विस्तार से बताना Ex: The Marine Corps Dress uniform is the most elaborate विस्तारपूर्वक प्रस्तुत करना Ex: It did not elaborate on the issue, there has been qu'escarmoucher विस्तृत करना वैयाख्य व्याख्या उ: कई मायनों में यह व्याख्या की जा सकती हैं। व्यापक उ: वात्सल्यभाव का क्षेत्र व्यापक है। संकथन संचु संप्रसारण समाख्यान सर्वचारी सुपरिष्कृत
Other : अलंकृत Ex: he proposed an elaborate program of public works उ: स्वर्ण आभूषणों से अलंकृत हैं । विशद Ex: Rodin dedicated much of the next four decades to his elaborate Gates of Hell उ: इनके ग्रंथ विशद तथा साहित्यिक गुणों से संपन्न है। विस्तार से कहना Ex: Locke moves from the most basic units of society toward the more elaborate विस्तीर्ण विस्तृत उ: यह के क्षेत्रफ़ल में विस्तृत है। सविस्तर सविस्तार
Elaborate ki paribhasha : jese, vahaaan aap logon ke liye bahut vistrat sthaan hai jata ke ulajhe hue baalon ki tarah jisaka sulajhana bahut kathin ho ek shabd jisaka prayog asvikrati ya nishedh soochit karane ke liye hota hai ek kaavyaalnkaar jisamen chittavratti ko sookshm cheshta se lakshit karaane ka varnan hota hai vah vaaky aadi jo kisi jatil pad ya vaaky aadi ka arth spasht karata ho padaarth men sarvada vidyamaan rahanevaala gun ya dharm
ExamplesElaborate synonyms
busy perfected imposing studied overdone fancy sophisticated overworked labored complicated refined exact careful complex elegant extensive extravagant fussy knotty labyrinthine luxurious minute ornate ostentatious painstaking plush posh precise prodigious showy skillful thorough ornamented decorated garnished embellished high tech highly wrought many-faceted with all the extras with all the options with bells and whistles comment deck expatiate polish develop particularize explain enlarge devise specify improve evolve clarify produce unfold discuss interpret amplify expound bedeck enhance work out flesh out Elaborate antonyms
uncultured unsophisticated facile uncomplicated uninvolved usual natural unrefined easy simple general normal plain regular unelaborate dirty damage ruin deface compress decrease lessen abridge condense curtail harm worsen block simplify spoil halt stop confuse diminish lower reduce hurt make simple Usage of Elaborate in sentences
The word is used as adjective verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb, adjective or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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