Elastic meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Elastic
As noun : इलास्टिक Ex:  Only defects of the most serious character affect the elastic limit of beams.
एंचीला Ex:  Mechanical or elastic gauges depend on a Bourdon tube प्रतिफुल्लक Ex:  He the elastic conscience प्रफुलंद Ex:  It said, in terms of physics, in some machines where a liquid is milk by spring the pressure and the elastic force of the air, such as compression Fontaine, Heron's Fountain, etc प्रफुलित Ex:  Kind of small round ball, filled with air or any elastic material, covered with cloth or skin and used to play tennis, play tennis, etc प्रफुल्त Ex:  Medicine Slight contraction, elastic tension associated with living tissues, especially the प्रफुल्ल Ex:  Put an elastic उ:   इसके संपादक प्रसिद्ध बौद्ध विद्वान डॉ॰ प्रफुल्ल गडपाल हैं। मुलकित Ex:  The elastic body लचकदार उ:   हजरते ऊद- यह पत्थर गुलाबी रंग का लचकदार तथा खुरदरा होता है। विपुष्पित संह्लादी स्थितिस्थापक
As adjective : अनुनाम्य Ex:  They use good elastic for the waist band. इलैस्टेस प्रत्यास्थ Ex:  An elastic force acts to return a spring to its natural length. एंचीला Ex:  Mechanical or elastic gauges depend on a Bourdon tube तन्य Ex:  Eraser, elastic substance , also called RUBBER that gives the juice of certain plants lactescent उ:   यह एक सख़्त, श्वेत-चाँदी रंग की, तन्य व आघातवर्धक धातु है। प्रत्यास्थ Ex:  In terms of medicine, he said Tissue, muscle and stands Who elastic tension उ:   उनकी प्रकृत्ति पूर्णतः प्रत्यास्थ है। रबड सहित बिनी हुई डोरी Ex:  The gases are very elastic रबड़ सहित बनी हुई डोरी लचलची लचीला उ:   यह अति लचीला था तथा इसके कण परस्पर प्रतिकर्षण करते थे। लोचदार वंक्य स्थितिस्थापक
Other : ऐंचीला Ex:  An elastic body reacts on the body which takes the खुशमिजाज Ex:  Anatomy muscular tube, elastic and contractile in which blood, projected by the expansions of the heart is increased in all organs ज़िंदादिल Ex:  elastic Boots नमनीय Ex:  From the steel brittle elastic लचलचा
Elastic ki paribhasha : kisi vastu ko usaki poorv avastha ko praapt karaanevaala jisamen kisi prakaar ki kathorata ya khinchaav aadi na ho
Elastic synonyms
pliable malleable springy resilient flexible supple plastic yielding limber buoyant ductile irrepressible lithe bouncy extendible extensible moldable rubberlike stretchable stretchy tempered adjustable variable soaring volatile gay accommodating airy animated complaisant compliant ebullient effervescent expansive high-spirited lively sprightly vivacious recuperative
Elastic antonyms
rigid unbendable unyielding inelastic intolerant inflexible stiff unadaptable unpliable hard tense unflexible difficult ungiving
Usage of Elastic in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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