Elder meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Elder
As noun : अखर्ब Ex:  This book was a present from my elder brother.
अग्रगण्य Ex:  A small child sportively hurts his elder sister. खर्वेतर Ex:  Ram is the elder most statesman of the Party. गंण्डग्राम Ex:  He had an elder brother, who died young. गजपुंगव Ex:  The elder O'Neill refused all contact with Oona after the marriage गरूपु Ex:  The elder son and heir of Charles X जठरा Ex:  While retirement and travel were good for the elder Austens जडैल Ex:  He also described both Jews and Judaism as elder brothers in the faith. जिष्ट Ex:  The elder Attalus was the son of a brother of both Philetaerus जेठा Ex:  He had an elder sister Anna ज्येष्ठ Ex:  Upon Henry's death, his elder son Richard succeeded to the throne उ:   ज्येष्ठ और आषाढ़ के महीने ग्रीष्म ऋतु होती है। दीघ Ex:  The elder Knight sends his squires away to help the King न्यायस् Ex:  He is the elder brother of former Formula One driver Ralf Schumacher. पौरवृद्ध Ex:  The elder Bird had been Prime Minister from independence in 1981 and प्रथमज Ex:  He could no longer rely on his connection to the elder emperor Maximian प्रथमज Ex:  He could no longer rely on his connection to the elder emperor Maximian प्राग्य Ex:  Mary was believed to be the elder sister of Anne Boleyn बटाक ‡ Ex:  Jane Seymour's elder brother, to be Lord Protector of the Realm. बड़डपु Ex:  Gagazet by her childhood guardian, Kimahri, now the elder of the Ronso Tribe. बड़म Ex:  A crucial part of a wealthy teenager's education was a mentorship with an elder बड़ा Ex:  From her earnings she supported her elder sister Bronisława उ:   मुम्बई के बाद भारत का यही सबसे बड़ा पत्तन है। बड़ाल Ex:  The elder Demetrius was the son of Euthydemus I of Bactria बरारा Ex:  He said specifically, France, Partisans of the right to the throne of the elder branch of the Bourbons बरो ‡ Ex:  I will give you not because you are my elder बालादस्त Ex:  In terms of Canada, it means the Prime father outputs which are all branches of a family, as the elder branch as the younger बिग Ex:  It expresses particular in France the law which is claimed by the princes of the elder branch of the Bourbons उ:   इसे बिग ब्लू नाम से भी जाना जाता है। बुजरग Ex:  It is also the title worn by the princes of Viennese or Dauphiné, who had spent elder son of the kings of France, since the meeting of this province in the kingdom बुज़ुर्ग Ex:  It is also the title worn by the princes of Viennese or Dauphiné, who had spent elder son of the kings of France, since the meeting of this province in the kingdom माहसो Ex:  SIR, used absolutely, said he was of the king's elder brothers मुखर Ex:  Species Botanical elder whose stem is herbaceous मुर्शिद् Ex:  The elder branch मेह Ex:  The elder branch of a house, one who has an elder to stem, which descends from the eldest उ:   जिम मेह ससंबर यों लगि अंबर, चंड़ अडंबर खेहू चढी। मोहकम Ex:  The flight of the capon entered, with the main mansion in preciput the elder वड़ा Ex:  The Son elder of the church, given to the king of France Qualification वड्र वयोवृद्ध उ:   पर उस वयोवृद्ध सिक्खनेता ने आत्मसमर्पण करना सीखा नहीं था। वैव्रदध श्रेष्ठतम उ:   मन्दिर प्राचीन और मध्ययुगीन भारतीय कला के श्रेष्ठतम प्रतीक हैं। सिरताज
Other : कलाँ Ex:  Vasu is my elder brother. गुरु Ex:  The elder Pascal "would not let anyone other than these men attend him. उ:   इस कारण इसका नाम गुरु गाँव पड़ा था। जठेरा Ex:  Hatshepsut was the elder daughter of Thutmose I and Queen Ahmose
Elder ki paribhasha : brahaspati naamak grah utpatti parnpara men pahale padnevaale purush oopar ki pidhiyon men utpann purush vah mahina jisamen jyeshtha nakshatr men poornima ka chndrama uday ho ek pakavaan jo masaala mili hui urd ki pithi ki gol chakraakaar tikiyon ko ghi ya tel men talakar banata hai
Elder synonyms
senior ancient first-born more mature senior citizen veteran patriarch oldster superior matriarch ancestor forebearer oldest golden ager old fogey
Elder antonyms
younger youngest last-born minor youngster youth junior
Usage of Elder in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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