Elementary meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Elementary
As adjective : अप्राख्य Ex:  the elementary grades
अविलष्ट Ex:  The nucleus has elementary particle like proton. आरंभिक स्तर की Ex:  Our children are studying in the elementary school. आर्डिनरी Ex:  Unlike the simple counting board used in elementary schools आसान Ex:  Parks recalled going to elementary school in Pine Level उ:   इतना आसान हो जायेगा इसके बाद। एकविध Ex:  The district has 23 public schools including elementary चंचुप्रवेश Ex:  Of the elementary proofs टकैया Ex:  23,573, in municipal elementary schools, and 18,809 in high schools. पंचमेल Ex:  U.S. News has ranked MSU's graduate-level elementary education" प्रकृत्थजीर्ण Ex:  The college has top-ranked programs in elementary and secondary education, प्रायभव Ex:  79 high schools, 155 elementary schools and 136 kindergartens. प्रायापयोगिक Ex:  In addition to dozens of state-run elementary प्रारंभिक Ex:  A large number of private elementary schools with under 20 students exist उ:   प्रारंभिक विद्वान वर्णनात्मक भूगोलवेत्ता थे। प्रारम्भिक Ex:  Some elements can be found as multiple elementary substances उ:   आपकी प्रारम्भिक शिक्षा विशाखापत्तनम में ही हुई। बालजातीय Ex:  Algebra is much broader than elementary algebra and can be generalized. बेलकत Ex:  Although it is now considered elementary मुखचालि Ex:  Music education is generally mandatory in public elementary schools वोछा Ex:  In elementary schools साधारण देश Ex:  This is followed by 6 years in elementary schools साधारण Ex:  In elementary algebra उ:   यह साधारण से किसान परिवार से ताल्लुक रखते हैं। सुशक Ex:  The public elementary सुहंगम Ex:  The government runs a number of public elementary and secondary-level schools.
Other : इब्तिदाई Ex:  Arabic has been taught in many elementary and secondaryschools तात्त्विक Ex:  It currently educates about 73,000 students in 73 elementary schools उ:   भाषाविज्ञान के दो पक्ष हैं- तात्त्विक और व्यवहारिक। तात्विक Ex:  Education stars in either pre-schools or elementary schools.
Elementary ki paribhasha : pedon ka vah bhaag jo prathvi ke niche rahata hai jo pahali baar hua ho chid ka ped jisase gndhaabiroja nikalata hai jo kram ke vichaar se aadi men ho jo kisi ki chhaayaa, ya anuvaad na ho bhaav prakaash ke anusaar vah pradesh jahaaan jngal adhik hon, paani adhik ho, rog adhik hon aur jaad tatha garami bhi adhik padti ho
Elementary synonyms
underlying rudimentary straightforward elemental fundamental abecedarian basal beginning clear duck soup easy essential facile initial introductory meat and potatoes original plain prefatory preliminary primary primitive simplified uncomplicated abcs foundational primo simplest simplex substratal uncomplex child's play
Elementary antonyms
additional advanced extra abstruse complicated intricate secondary complex compound difficult hard involved
Usage of Elementary in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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