Elite meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Elite
As noun : अभिजात वर्ग Ex:  a restaurant unpatronized by the elite
विशिष्ट वर्ग Ex:  While these included elite Bersaglieri श्रेष्ठजनगण Ex:  Gaining membership of an elite tour is highly competitive संभ्रांत Ex:  Members of the social elite are concentrated in Malé. उ:   नायक संभ्रांत कुलोत्पन्ना नायिका को संबोधित करके गीत गाता है। सवोर्त्कृष्ट Ex:  Though he was a biracial Jamaican from an elite family
Other : उच्च वर्ग Ex:  The membership comprised a westernised elite
Elite ki paribhasha : ek prakaar ke bngaali braahmana, jo un paaanch braahmanon ki sntaan hain, jinhen pnchagaud ke mahaaraaj aadi- shoor apane raajy men saagnik braahman na hone ke kaarana, aatharvi shalaabdi ke aarnbh men kaashi se apane saath le gae the
Elite synonyms
exclusive noble elect top pick choice crack super cool aristocratic out of sight out of this world selected top-notch topflight gilt-edged greatest tip-top top drawer upper-class world-class society celebrity establishment aristocracy prime gentility flower prize crowd fat gentry pride quality nobility cream beautiful people blue blood high society upper class upper crust fast lane carriage trade country club set glitterati in-crowd jet-set main line old money optimacy crã¨me de la crã¨me
Elite antonyms
lower worst second-rate inferior poor bad common lower-class ordinary low-class proletariat commonality lower class low-life
Usage of Elite in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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