Embalm meaning in hindi
As verb : मसाले द्वारा सडने से बचाना Ex:  The three Marys brought precious ointments to embalm body of Christ
मीठी सुगन्ध भरना Ex:  Pedro Ara was approached to embalm the body. शव का संलेपन करना शव संलेपनकरना
Other : सुगंधित करना सुगन्धित करना
ExamplesEmbalm synonyms
mummify anoint prepare process treasure freeze consecrate cherish wrap enshrine conserve store lay out Embalm antonyms
squander use neglect waste Usage of Embalm in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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