Embargo meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Embargo
As noun : अधिरोध Ex:  ] The European Union and United States embargo on weapons sales to the PRC
घाट बन्दी Ex:  When Greece imposed a trade embargo on the Republic in 1994–95 घाटबंदी Ex:  Since the end of the Greek embargo घाटबन्दी करना Ex:  After Saudi Arabia started an oil embargo against Britain and France निशेध Ex:  The embargo failed as foreign policy पोत अधिरोध Ex:  Congress repealed the failed embargo as Madison took office. पोत अवरोध करना Ex:  After the United States imposed a trade embargo in 1985 पोत अवरोध Ex:  Lifting the embargo व्यापार प्रतिरोध लगाना Ex:  Put embargo, an embargo व्यापार प्रतिरोध Ex:  Put the embargo on wheat coming from a certain country सावधिक प्रतिबंध
Embargo ki paribhasha : kishti kholane ya chalaane ko mumaaniyat
Embargo synonyms
ban restraint proscription bar barrier blockage stoppage interdiction impediment hindrance check
Embargo antonyms
aid assistance help
Usage of Embargo in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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