Embarrass meaning in hindi
As noun : अड़चन डालना Ex: Confuse, embarrass
As verb :
आकुल करना Ex: Do not embarrass you in this affaire- there, Do not meddle, as you would find yourself embarrassed y धबड़ा देना Ex: Let the world as it is, do not you embarrass of what is happening in the world, pretend not reform the परेशानी में डालना Ex: N ' embarrass not, do not block the public road विह्नलित करना Ex: These factories embarrass the course of the river शर्मिंदा करना Ex: What bothers or result of the action embarrass संकट में पड़ना Ex: What you say embarrass me strong
Other : उलझन में डालना Ex: Do you embarrass point of that case , Do not worry घबरा देना Ex: If embarrass someone, someone Take charge घबड़ाना Ex: It is hooked on this topic, one can easily embarrass भार देना Ex: Obstruct, embarrass व्याकुल करना Ex: This is only an expedient, it is a temporary resource that will leave soon fall embarrass his employer
Embarrass ki paribhasha : aisi avastha men dalana jisase karta्tav na soojh pade
ExamplesEmbarrass synonyms
annoy disturb perplex bewilder perturb faze confuse puzzle upset distract shame rattle irk plague agitate mortify fluster stun bother disconcert dumbfound discomfit discompose discountenance distress bug chagrin nonplus discombobulate tease abash throw let down show up catch one short give a bad time give a hard time hang up make a monkey of put in a hole put in a spot put on the spot put out of countenance throw into a tizzy Embarrass antonyms
aid soothe appease calm comfort quiet organize enlighten explain delight gladden make happy please order clarify clear up help Usage of Embarrass in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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