Emission meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Emission
As noun : उत्सर्जन Ex:  Sodium emission had been previously observed in other comets उ:   उत्सर्जन सहज या प्रेरित हो सकता है।
उद्गार Ex:  This interaction causes the emission of X-rays discussed above. सिक्ति Ex:  Seismic activity and gas emission steadily increased in early August स्राव Ex:  The emission from LINER-type galaxies is dominated by weakly-ionized elements. उ:   कुछ व्यक्तियों में स्राव बनता ही अधिक है। स्र��व Ex:  emission of various sounds and punctuated by which the voice rises and falls, so as to form a musical group स्वप्नदोष Ex:  Voice emission
Other : लुप्ति Ex:  There is also photon emission by de-excited atoms and molecules in the gases.
Emission ki paribhasha : nidraavastha men viryapaat hona jo ek prakaar ka rog maana jaata hai vah jo bahakara, rasakar ya chookar nikala ho
Emission synonyms
discharge radiation emanation transmission utterance ejection exhalation issue ejaculation shedding exudation venting
Emission antonyms
concealment refrain suppression containment repression withholding
Usage of Emission in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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