Emit meaning in hindi
As noun : उझंटना Ex:  The factory chimneys emit lot of pollution into the air.
उझाँटना Ex:  In 1996, comets were found to emit X-rays. उद्धुंधन Ex:  Fossil fuel-fired electric power plants also emit carbon dioxide कड्ढना Ex:  They will emit a stress call whenever they are in danger कढ्डेरना Ex:  Active galaxies that emit high-energy radiation include Seyfert galaxies काढना Ex:  These newly-born stars emit jets of gas along their axis of rotation छनकान Ex:  Cattle emit a large amount of methane छोड़ना Ex:  These light organs emit a yellow-green light periodically उ: यदि कोई फसल न भी उगानी हो तो खेत को बिना जुते नहीं छोड़ना चाहिए। झोखना Ex:  They emit a "beep" via 457 kHz radio signal in normal use तिजइना Ex:  Chambers, elective body which, commercial and industrial ensure, in the cities, the execution of certain works and management of certain services of local interest, emit wishes, provide advice to the government तियागना Ex:  It means in particular emit semen in man, and in this case it is intransitive दरगुजरना Ex:  OBLIGATION says, by extension, some interest-bearing securities and redeemable within a limited time, the government, companies, cities emit to raise money नंषना निकालना उ: किंतु इन विवरणों में ऐतिहासिक सत्य को खोज निकालना कठिन है। निर्घातन परिवर्जन, परिवर्ज्जन प्रमूकना बखोरना ‡ बिरराना भ्रंश, भ्रंस मुंचना मुकलना मुक्काना मूकना मेल्हना मोकना मोकलना मोक्षण मोचना मोषण व्यवाकृति संत्यजन संप सन्यासन समासर्जन समुत्सर्ग
As verb : उत्सर्जन करना Ex:  Plants also emit during respiration उत्सारण होना Ex:  Most light sources emit light at many different wavelengths उदिगरण होना Ex:  Tornadoes emit on the electromagnetic spectrum स्कंदन करना
Other : छोडना Ex:  Krill are often referred to as light-shrimp because they can emit light
Emit ki paribhasha : kisi vastu par se apana svatv hataakar usapar doosare ka svatv sthaapit karana svar ke uchchaaran men honevaala ek prakaar ka dosh kisi pakadi hui vastu ko prathak karana
ExamplesEmit synonyms
give off breathe expend spit spill spew vent emanate pour beam utter ooze belch transmit radiate exude secrete exhale shed expel pronounce extrude pass expectorate speak jet perspire excrete squirt issue afford void loose evacuate expire vomit reek shoot eject drip yield purge erupt gush voice let off throw out cast out disembogue give out give vent to send forth send out Emit antonyms
hide conceal permit deny refuse veto refrain repress suppress withhold take take in allow be quiet keep contain Usage of Emit in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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