Emitted meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Emitted
As noun :
स्रावित Ex:  The emitted electrons can be referred to as photoelectrons in this context. उ:   यह हार्मोन काइम में वसा होने पर स्रावित होता है।
Emitted synonyms
give off breathe expend spit spill spew vent emanate pour beam utter ooze belch transmit radiate exude secrete exhale shed expel pronounce extrude pass expectorate speak jet perspire excrete squirt issue afford void loose evacuate expire vomit reek shoot eject drip yield purge erupt gush voice let off throw out cast out disembogue give out give vent to send forth send out
Emitted antonyms
hide conceal permit deny refuse veto refrain repress suppress withhold take take in allow be quiet keep contain
Usage of Emitted in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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