Emphasize meaning in hindi
As verb : गुरुता के साथ उच्चारण करना Ex:  Historians frequently emphasize the importance of written records
जोर देकर कहना Ex:  These statistics emphasize national government corruption प्रमुख बनाना Ex:  They emphasize indigenous Egyptian heritage बल देना Ex:  He also said ironically to emphasize the importance of the thing we are talking महत्त्व देना Ex:  I understand what you mean, it is unnecessary to emphasize the
Other : को महत्व देना Ex:  To emphasize the personal nature of the Robert Lehman Collection ज़ोर देना Ex:  Theorists such as Ashley Montagu emphasize the top-down nature of war पर बल देना Ex:  The Bahá'í writings emphasize the essential equality of human beings
ExamplesEmphasize synonyms
reiterate repeat affirm accentuate assert indicate maintain underscore highlight point out underline punctuate hit pinpoint weight headline pronounce dramatize enunciate enlarge articulate mark charge impress spotlight italicize bear down dwell on limelight play up insist on labor the point make a point make clear make emphatic make much of point up put accent on rub in Emphasize antonyms
deny mumble ignore play down understate lose depreciate forget Usage of Emphasize in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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