Empowerment meaning in hindi
As noun : अधिकार प्रदान करना Ex:  What is black empowerment when it seems to benefit not the vast majority
अधिकार प्रदान शक्त उ: एक वो जो मांस खाते हैं और वो शक्त ब्राह्मण कहलाते हैं। शक्तिप्रदान सत्ता―प्रदान सशक्तीकरण उ: गीता महिला सशक्तीकरण और लैंगिक समानता के लिये अभियान चलाई रहती है। सशक्तीकरण
ExamplesEmpowerment synonyms
consent blessing assent go-ahead approval clearance agreement dispensation license nod rubber stamp sanction thumbs-up seal of approval stamp of approval acceptance acknowledgment admission endorsement permit privilege concession warrant recognition indulgence concurrence promise toleration liberty avowal imprimatur tolerance okay acquiescence freedom condonation leave approbation allowance carte blanche letting sanctification verification canonization sufferance condonance authorization Empowerment antonyms
denial veto disapproval refusal rejection disagreement opposition red light prohibition incarceration limitation restriction repudiation imprisonment restraint protest dissent difference break Usage of Empowerment in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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