Enamel meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Enamel
As noun : इनेमल Ex:  The tooth bud is organized into three parts: the enamel organ उ:   इनेमल का निर्माण कैल्शियम फास्फेट से होता है।
एनामेल पेंट Ex:  This is all encased by the outer enamel epithelium layer. तामचीनी की बनी वस्तु Ex:  By the end of this stage, the enamel has completed its mineralization. तामचीनी चढ़ाना Ex:  Ninety-six percent of enamel consists of mineral तामचीनी Ex:  At the edges of teeth where there is no dentin underlying the enamel दंतवल्क Ex:  Since enamel is semitranslucent उ:   दंतवल्क मनुष्ये की सबसे ठोस पदार्थ है। दन्तबल्क Ex:  The large amount of minerals in enamel accounts not only for its strength उ:   फ्लोराइड उपचार दांत के दन्तबल्क पुनर्खटीकरण में सहायक हो सकता है। रंग देकर चित्र विचित्र करना Ex:  Gnarled enamel is found at the cusps of teeth.
As verb : मीनाकारी करना Ex:  Unlike dentin and bone, enamel does not contain collagen.
Other : मीना Ex:  3-4 in hardness, compensates for enamel and is necessary as a support. उ:   इसके लिए उसे मीना को मारना पड़ेगा।
Enamel ki paribhasha : ek prakaar ka nile rng ka kimati patthar
Enamel synonyms
glaze varnish lacquer stain coating finish gloss polish veneer topcoat japan cloisonnã©
Enamel antonyms
Usage of Enamel in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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