Enchanted meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Enchanted
As noun : जेरदस्त Ex:  We were enchanted with her drawings .
वशंकृत Ex:  charming, enchanted by sounds, by words, by figures, by magical operations वशीभूत Ex:  It was once believed that sorcerers, magicians enchanted men, animals, etc उ:   इस प्रेम के वशीभूत वे नित्य-संयोग में नित्य-वियोग की अनुभूति करते है। समायत्त Ex:  This new enchanted me स्ववस
As verb : मंत्रमुग्ध Ex:  Action enchanted or bewitched Made to be उ:   पहाड़ी के चारों ओर की दृश्यावली सैलानियों को मंत्रमुग्ध कर देती है।
Other : मोहित Ex:  Rodin was also enchanted by dancers from the Royal Ballet of Cambodia उ:   देखते ही वह उस पर मोहित हो गया।
Enchanted synonyms
fascinated delighted happy entranced enraptured magical bewitched ensorcelled under a spell
Usage of Enchanted in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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