Enclave meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Enclave
As noun : अंतःक्षेत्र Ex:  A small enclave of the Karaims
अंतस्थक्षेत्र Ex:  Geographically and linguistically, it is a enclave in the Flemish Region. एन्कलेव Ex:  An enclave of Rome is the State of the Vatican City परिवृति Ex:  San Marino is an enclave in Italy विदेशी अंत-क्षेत्र Ex:  The northern part is an enclave विदेशी अंतः क्षेत्र Ex:  It is almost an enclave of Senegal
Other : परिसर Ex:  Contacts were maintained through the Dutch enclave of Dejima however उ:   मंदिर परिसर में पत्थर का स्मारक लगा हुआ है।
Enclave synonyms
control domain regimentation jurisdiction terrain walk supremacy sphere seniority empire management realm district field prerogative commission state privilege sovereignty sway dominance authorization province bailiwick power government regency domination prepotency preeminence country region rule command turf property ascendancy demesne prepotence stomping grounds peninsula reef sanctuary bar shelter retreat key haven refuge atoll archipelago islet cay reserve preserve homeland tract inundate besiege envelop ring circle beleaguer bound beset gird rim verge circumscribe encompass skirt circumvent border limit confine blockade outline invest fringe edge environ girdle margin loop hem in box in close around close in close in on fence in go around lay siege to shut in sector neighborhood zone area colony street commonwealth section mandate expanse extent quarter boundary belt neck of the woods terrene township exclave
Enclave antonyms
weakness submission subordination surrender outside subservience yielding openness permit center release free allow let go lose sky
Usage of Enclave in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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