Encumber meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Encumber
As noun : बाधा डालना
भारग्रस्त करना
Encumber ki paribhasha : gati ka avarodh karana bojh ke niche laana jisamen koi chij niche ki or das jaay athava idhar udhar hat na sake dal rakhana
Encumber synonyms
overburden obstruct load cramp clog weight tax hamper overload charge lade handicap inconvenience incommode embarrass hog-tie retard saddle trammel discommode impede hinder oppress block hold up weigh down hang up make difficult saddle with slow down
Encumber antonyms
aid assist benefit release unblock exonerate permit further gladden facilitate boost clear help promote support unburden allow let go free open encourage please advance push make happy forward
Usage of Encumber in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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