Ending meaning in hindi
As noun : उर्दक Ex: The ending is ambiguous
खातिमा Ex: , ending the massacre. तीरित Ex: Built at the ending of XIX century तै Ex: Goofy, and Pluto cartoon series, ending the Silly Symphonies at this time. पर्यवशेष Ex: Berlin finally fell in 1945, ending World War II in Europe. प्रत्यय Ex: 1958 thus ending the service. उ: शब्द को ही प्रत्यय मान लेना भारी मूल है। प्रत्यस्तमय Ex: 1970 thus ending all service. प्रपतन Ex: New population figures for the year ending July 1 लाहीक Ex: With the signing of the treaty ending the war on February 2 1848 विनिवृत्ति Ex: 1972 following the official ending of hostilities. विभक्ति Ex: Felt retired from the Bureau on June 22 1973, ending a thirty-one-year career. उ: इसके साथ विभक्ति चिह्न भी नहीं लगता। विश्रमण Ex: 1896. Stanford women played Berkeley, 9-on-9, ending in a 2-1 Stanford victory. व्यपाय Ex: For instance, on Fridays, vehicles with plates ending in 9 or 0 may not drive. व्युदास Ex: At the year ending Pacific Southwest Championships व्य़ुपरम Ex: 1943, leaving Guadalcanal in Allied hands and ending the battle for the island. श्रद्धादेय Ex: Although the modes with melodies ending on A संपाद Ex: Visibility is now ending संपुर्णता Ex: State Senators are elected in the years ending in 1 समापत्ति Ex: If 100% of the game is completed, an additional ending will be unlocked. समाप्ति Ex: By adding the -issimo ending the word is amplified उ: वर्षा ऋतु की समाप्ति के पश्चात् शरद् ऋतु का आगमन होता है । अंत उ: अंत में लंका की सेना पराजित हुई।
Other : असमांत (रंजन Ex: " the speech ending with “Conscience फलागम Ex: The word ending may also be substituted by -t .
Ending ki paribhasha : naatak men phalaarthi vyakti dvaara aarabdh kaary ki paaanchavin avastha jisamen aarnbh kiye kaary ka phal praapt hona dikhaaya jaay kisi kaary ya baat aadi ka ant hona uttaraadhikaar men mili hui snpatti ya hissa vah sthaan jahaaan se kisi vastu ka ant ho vah riti jisake dvaara chhndon ke bhed aur unaki snkhya jaani jaay
ExamplesUsage of Ending in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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