Energize meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Energize
As noun : उत्साहित करना Ex:  Conceived as a way to energize a city hit hard by the Great Depression
As verb : ऊर्जा प्रदान करना Ex:  It also means Sermon speech to speak the word of God and to energize the practice of virtue क्रियाशील करना जोश में भरना बल प्रदान करना
Energize synonyms
invigorate empower motivate excite reinforce electrify strengthen trigger animate stimulate prime enable enliven fortify inspirit sustain vitalize arm zap quicken build up pep up turn on work up innervate goose actify activize jazz up juice up liven up pump up put zip into start up switch on
Energize antonyms
dishearten dissuade calm deaden weaken deactivate debilitate sap tire weary bore depress dull discourage halt stop
Usage of Energize in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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