Enfold meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Enfold
As verb :
आच्छादित करना झंपना मूँदना व्यावृति संछादन
Enfold ki paribhasha : kisi soota, dori ya kapade ki si vastu ko doosari vastu ke chaaron or ghoomaakar baaandhana
Enfold synonyms
swathe clinch fold enclose surround wrap encompass hold clutch enwrap envelop shroud cinch press squeeze veil clasp drape girdle cover enshroud invest grab bear hug envelope wrap up encase
Enfold antonyms
release uncover unwrap exclude let go free loose abandon leave alone reveal
Usage of Enfold in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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