Enhance meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Enhance
As verb : बढ़ाना Ex:  It has been found to enhance the availability of serotonin and norepinephrine.
Other :
चढाना Ex:  Writers used symbolism to enhance the beauty of literature. बढाना Ex:  Galileo innovated by using telescopes to enhance his observations. वृद्धि करना Ex:  Descriptions were last updated in May 2003 to enhance uniformity.
Enhance synonyms
upgrade raise augment strengthen intensify complement appreciate enlarge add to increase reinforce build up heighten boost aggrandize pyramid magnify exalt swell exaggerate elevate beautify lift boom pad adorn embroider amplify flesh out
Enhance antonyms
decrease lessen weaken subtract undermine disgrace play down condemn denounce compress demote mar minimize worsen lower diminish reduce neglect hurt discourage take away debase depress contract drop fix
Usage of Enhance in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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