Enrich meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Enrich
As noun : उपजाऊ बनाना Ex:  He believed enrich themselves in this case
As verb :
अल‌ंकृत करना Ex:  Fertilizers enrich the soil. उपजाऊ बनानाधनीधुनाड्य करना Ex:  He wanted to rob me and enrich my spoils धनाड्य करना Ex:  The ardor to shine, to enrich धनी बनाना Ex:  , in filling rumen, Make his benefit, enrich समुद्र बनाना समृद्ध बनाना सम्पन्न बनाना
Other : आभूषित करना Ex:  To further enrich forest resources शिक्षित करना Ex:  , Take handfuls, for all hands, all hands, says People eager to escape that leave no opportunity to enrich श्रृंगार करना Ex:  , Worship the golden calf, Having worship of wealth, think only enrich सम्पन्न उ:   प्रभाव से जोड़कर शोध-कार्य सम्पन्न करवाता है। सुसज्जित करना
Enrich synonyms
upgrade develop augment supplement refine enhance cultivate endow parlay pyramid sweeten ornament better pad build spike ameliorate adorn grace aggrandize decorate beef up build up figure in step up flesh out hike up hop up jack up jazz up make rich pour it on run up soup up
Enrich antonyms
decrease worsen disgrace deplete impoverish reduce take
Usage of Enrich in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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